Monday, April 30, 2007

Introducing "What Happened on this Date?"

Welcome to "What Happened on this Date?"

This blog is intended to be a place where you can come to find out information about what has happened on particular dates in history.

A few years ago, I included a section like this on a weekly Bible Study and Announcements Hand-out that I produced each week for the teens in my youth group while I was a Youth Pastor at Hardingville Bible Church in Monroeville, New Jersey under the leadership of Pastor Mark Franklin. I produced a Sr. High Version on Wednesday nights and a Jr. High version on Friday nights.

While the focus of the page was the Bible Study portion on the back of the page, for the front side, I generally included youth group announcements, scoring information, some humor items and some items I had picked up over the years regarding the particular day - a "This Day in History" type of thing. I also started to include this day in church history, this day in sports, etc.

The teens seemed to have like the concept of finding out what happened on this date as well as short humor items.

This site seeks to take that concept and move it to the web. I seek to provide a place where you can come to find out interesting tid-bits about a particular day as well as a short - and CLEAN - humor item.

I hope that you enjoy "What Happened On This Date?"

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